Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade (CGPA 3.12)
Bioresource Complex is the initiative of Gauhati IIT in collaboration with Srikishan Sarda College, funded by DBT, Govt of India. This bioresource complex is a facility that houses and manages various biological resources, such as plants. The complex aims to identify, document, standardize, and promote indigenous practices among rural communities, highlighting the importance of these resources in various applications.
The Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology established Biotech Hub in S. S. College Hailakandi during the financial year 2011-12 under the special programme for the North Eastern States to promote education and research in Biotechnology and to attract brilliant young students to build their career in the multidisciplinary subject areas. The biotech hub, S. S. College is equipped with modern scientific instruments like PCR, Gel Documentation system, with uninterrupted power supply. The hub arrange hands on training programme to train the student and teacher of the college and neighbouring institute and also support different scientific activities.